IH Farmall CUB Tractor
Below are links to pages of the Cub tractor photos that show a sampling of the salvage Cub tractors, equipment, and complete working Cubs we have on the yard at Burch Store Tractors. Due to the large amount of Farmall Cub's and attachments on the yard, we have moved the photos into 3 pages below so load time is faster for the photo pages. Please click on the links below to visit these pages.
Take a moment and view the links below for photos of the Farmall Cub tractor and equipment we have on the yard at Burch Store Tractors.
Farmall Cultivator and Fertilizer Unit Parts photos page
Also, the Fast Hitch page HERE has implements for the Cubs that are equipped with Fast Hitch option . We can also supply entire Fast Hitch packages if you would like to upgrade to Fast Hitch.
The McCormick-Deering Cub was later renamed Farmall Cub and lastly marketed as the International Cub and were all built by International Harvester Company. This is one of the most popular tractors that Burch Store Tractors handles. No matter what brand name is on the side they are all usually simply referred to as a "Cub Tractor".
The primary market for this remarkable little tractor was the small-acreage farmer, and it was designed to replace a horse or mule for small acreage farming. The tractor was offset to the left, while the driver's seat and steering wheel were on the right. This concept was called "CultiVision" because it provided a clear unobstructed view while cultivating. In this area of the South, the Cub tractor put many a mule and horse out to pasture in the late 1940s and 1950s.
Due to immense popularity of the Cub and tremendous number of Cubs built and still in service, Burch Store Tractors maintains a large number of Cub salvage parts tractors and an excellent selection of new items in stock to keep your Cub running. If you need any new or used Cub Tractor parts, any cultivating or fertilizer parts, sickle or finish mower parts, or drawbar or Fast Hitch parts, or implements and do not see it on this site, please give us a call or email us for availability since we probably have it in stock but not listed currently.
Today, most Cub tractor owners fall into 3 categories.
The first is the Cub that is still being used by the owner for gardening or small acreage farming. For these owners, Burch Store Tractors has one of the largest selections of cultivating and planting equipment around. Click Here for Cub cultivator parts and HERE for Cub fertilizer unit parts.
The second is the owners that use their Cubs for mowing with a Fast Hitch or belly mounted mower. The Woods Equipment mowers are by far one of the most popular mowers found underneath or behind a Cub tractor in this area. We carry both used and new mower parts, and at any time we have several belly mount mowers on the yard for sale or for salvage parts to keep you mowing. Burch Store Tractors recently purchased the entire parts stock of a large Woods Equipment dealer and we have them listed for purchase HERE .
The third is the owner that has restored his Cub back to like new condition. For these owners, we stock a large inventory of new parts to help make and keep your Cub like new again. Click HERE for our Cub Fast Hitch and drawbar parts and HERE for our new and used Cub tractor parts.
We sadly see damage often to Cubs that we have purchased to the front grill, tie rods, and sheet metal. Burch Store Tractors can help you prevent this damage with our front bumper for the standard Cub Tractor. Click HERE to see how you can help protect your Cub’s front end.
For the most recent additions to our salvage and equipment yard, please check out our What's NEW on "The Yard" page.
Please take a moment and have a look around the yard at burchstoretractors.com . If you do not see a specify item you are in need of contact us because we probably have it in stock but not listed currently.
February 14, 2016