Left Side Toggle Brake Joint for International or IH Farmall Cub and Cub LoBoy Tractors.
Toggle will fit IH Farmall Cubs with serial number 173601 and up. This toggle also fits all IH Farmall Cub LoBoy tractors.
Referred to as the LEFT SIDE brake band actuating toggle joint in Case IH parts catalog. This part is for the LEFT SIDE brake band only.
Left and Right brake toggles are NOT interchangeable.
Case IH brake toggle part numbers 358758R2 or 358758R1.
When these toggles break it is usually due excessive force being required to stop the tractor. The excessive force is usually due to worn or hard brake linings. Also an oil seal leakage can saturate the lining and require additional pedal force to stop the tractor. These problems usually occur incrementally over time making hard braking very easy to overlook.