New Governor Rebuild Kit for IH Farmall 130, 100, Super A, 200, 230, and Other Tractor Models, FREE SHIPPING!!!


$ 99.95

New Governor Rebuild Kit for International and IH Farmall A,  AV,  B,  BN,  Super A,  Super AV,  Super C,  100,  130,  200, and 230 Tractors.


The kit includes the rockshaft with pin and key way,  bushing, needle bearing,  plug,  lower bumper spring,  felt seal with retainer,  and gasket.

Replaces Case IH part numbers: 106958,  142485,  172531,  28078D,  43482D,  43483D,  45753D,  45875D,  46939D,  46943DA.

Please check your governor thrust bearing for wear and smooth operation. Also check the governor springs for wear and fatigue.  This will help ensure smooth trouble free governor operation upon reassembly.

Governor thrust bearing

All governor related parts

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